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    Pool Inspections

    Note for customers, this is for Vendors in NSW and QLD only!
    In NSW, vendors are required to attach a valid swimming pool certificate of compliance or non-compliance to the contract of sale. This requirement also applies to entering into a residential tenancy agreement (but not to a lot in a strata scheme).
    In Queensland you can sell your property with or without a pool safety certificate. However, if you are not providing a certificate you must give the buyer a Form 36-notice of no pool safety certificate prior to entering the contract of sale. The buyer must then obtain a pool safety certificate within 180 days of settlement.
    Our panel of pool inspectors will inspect the property to determine if the pool area is compliant with the relevant safety regulations. You will then be issued with a certificate of compliance or non-compliance. In the case that the pool area is not compliant you will be given detailed information on what needs to be done to bring the pool up to standard. If you choose to make the recommended improvements to the area, Before You Buy can organise for the inspector to return to the property and re-inspect the area.
    Coming soon!