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Before You Buy - For Inspectors

BYB has over 250 high-quality and insured inspectors on its inspector panel and we are keen to expand this.

The market currently has a few issues:

Low Inspection Rate Image

1. Low Inspection Rate

Inefficient Market Image

2. Inefficient Market

Poor Industry Practice Image

3. Poor Industry Practice

Low Inspection Rate Image

1. Low Inspection Rate

Less than half of sold properties are professionally inspected1.

Inefficient Market Image

2. Inefficient Market

Some properties are inspected multiple times.

Poor Industry Practice Image

3. Poor Industry Practice

Most inspectors do not have proper insurance2.

We are using digital efficiency and share-cost models to change the market. All our inspectors have up-to-date insurance and can receive feedback on their reports.

Ultimately, we want to grow the market size and are aiming for a professional inspection to occur in as close to 100% of properties that change hands as possible.

How BYB directs business to you

John Markham, Building & Pest Inspector Sydney

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How does BYB send me jobs?

BYB has spent over $5m improving its technology and service offering so that orders are seamlessly delivered to inspectors through the inspector’s online portal or the BYB Inspector App. As a BYB Panel Inspector, you will only receive job offers that are relevant to your qualifications and location, and all updates provided by you will automatically inform all the relevant parties. Instead of spending time and money on marketing or search, you can let the work come to you.

2. Do I have to accept jobs offered to me?

No, although you will only be sent jobs that are relevant to you, there is no obligation for you to accept a job. You can easily ‘reject’ a job offer and BYB will find another inspector to complete the work.

3. How will I be paid?

BYB will pay your wholesale rate to you in the week following a report being uploaded to the BYB portal. No more chasing debtors!

Enquire about joining the BYB inspector panel

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2. Industry estimate that ~70% of inspectors are not properly insured